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    Sun, Sep 01, 24.

    Judges 11 - 18

    The king of Ammon lied to Jephthah that the Ammonites owned the land, but Jephthah corrected him, telling him that the Amorites owned the land and were dispossessed of it by Israel, at God’s command [Jdg 11:12-27].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Wed, Aug 28, 24.

    Gilead and the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh - Judges 12.4

    The Ephraimites accused the Gileadites of being renegade tribes of Joseph [Jdg 12:4].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Wed, Aug 21, 24.

    Judges 6 - 8

    Hyperbolic language is used in the scriptures, as seen with the telling of the number of the Midianites. They obviously were not “without number” [Jdg 6:5].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Sun, Aug 11, 24.

    Judges 3 & 4

    Every generation of God’s people must be tested. This is one of the themes of the book of Judges. No matter how hard a generation tries, God will leave some struggles for them [Jdg 3:1-2].

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    category: Year-2024   Judges  

    Wed, Sep 20, 23.

    Psalm 149

    We will sing a new song at the resurrection. Playing the tambourine and harp in church is prophesying of the resurrection [Psa 149:3].

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    category: Year-2023   Psalms  

    Wed, Sep 20, 23.

    Why Do Priests of the Law Wear Head Coverings

    Head covering is a part of the Priestley garment. It is required for the priesthood. Turban/Mitre for the high priest [Exo 28:3-4, 36-38; Lev 8:9; 16:4; Zec 3:1,5; 6:9-11]. Cap/Bonnet for the priests [Exo 28:40; 29:9; 39:28; Lev 8:13].

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    category: Year-2023   Exodus   1-Corinthians  

    Wed, Sep 20, 23.

    Why Do Priests of the Law Wear Head Coverings

    Head covering is a part of the Priestley garment. It is required for the priesthood. Turban/Mitre for the high priest [Exo 28:3-4, 36-38; Lev 8:9; 16:4; Zec 3:1,5; 6:9-11]. Cap/Bonnet for the priests [Exo 28:40; 29:9; 39:28; Lev 8:13].

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    category: Year-2023   Exodus   1-Corinthians  

    Sun, Sep 17, 23.


    The blind and the lame are enemies of the King and will not enter His palace [2Sam 5:8]. Joseph was as diligent as the angel who was sent to deliver the message to Daniel. The angel, despite being resisted by the prince of Persia, did not return to God but...

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    category: Year-2023  

    Sun, Sep 17, 23.

    Proverbs 31

    King Lemuel received counsel from his mother, and his mother will share in the glory attributed to him, for she was a part of his upbringing. This can be seen in the books of the Kings of Israel and Judah, where the mothers and wives were many times mentioned in...

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    category: Year-2023   Proverbs  

    Sun, Sep 17, 23.

    The Value of a Soul

    The value of a soul is too costly, and no payment is ever enough [Psa 49:8]. Jesus says a soul is more costly than the entire world [Mat 16:26].

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    category: Year-2023  

    Wed, Aug 16, 23.

    Hebrews Overview (03)

    Jesus will render unemployed/idle/useless, the one who holds the power of death [Heb 2:14]. This is contrary to the belief that Jesus will annihilate/destroy/kill Satan. The word translated ‘destroy’ in the verse is ‘katargéō’, means to render something inactive or ineffective

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    category: Year-2023   Hebrews  

    Sun, Jul 30, 23.

    1 Cor 11 - Man Head of Woman

    The doctrine Paul taught that women should cover their heads while praying and prophesying is a doctrine of Christ. We know this because, before Paul taught it, he said we should imitate him as he imitates Christ [1Cor 11:1]. Paul was imitating Christ, when he taught the doctrine of head...

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    category: Year-2023   1-Corinthians  

    Wed, Jul 26, 23.

    Hebrews Overview (02)

    Sin can be an action Sins can be an object (I.e., the object used in committing a sin like an idol) Sin can be a person [Gen 4:7]

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    category: Year-2023   Hebrews  

    Sun, Jul 23, 23.

    Hebrews Overview (01)

    God spoke through prophets and angels in the past [Heb 1:1] He spoke through His Son in the latter times [Heb 1:2]

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    category: Year-2023   Hebrews  

    Sun, Jul 09, 23.

    Psalms 17

    Elencho means to rebuke Elencho does not always mean that the one rebuked repents of his sin as was the case with Herod when John the Baptist rebuked (Elencho) him of his sin [Luk 3:19-20]

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    category: Year-2023   Psalms  

    Wed, Jul 05, 23.

    John 16

    The Holy Spirit will convict the world of guilt through its testimony about Jesus. “When the Counsellor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been...

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Wed, Jun 07, 23.

    Mark 16.16

    No. It cannot be an exhaustive list because of the following: The fact that they can all speak in tongues, and that this will in fact be “all tongues”, since we are to be one, [Joh 17:22] and speaking languages other do not understand makes us strangers [1Cor 14:10-11], then...

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    category: Year-2023   John   Mark  

    Wed, Jun 07, 23.

    Salvation After the First Resurrection

    Salvation is to be saved from the wrath of God, and it requires righteousness [Deu 32]. Israel was taught the way of God so that they could be saved. Others will perish because they have not walked in God’s way.

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    category: Year-2023   Deuteronomy  

    Sun, Jun 04, 23.

    Psalms 68-69

    The Bible emphasizes punishment for those who hate God [KJVPsa 68:1]. God is seeking those who love Him. The Law of Moses was a test to see who loves God. The New Covenant is the same. Even Job’s test was a test to see if he loved God.

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    category: Year-2023   Psalms  

    Sun, Apr 30, 23.

    John 13-17

    The Father is greater than Jesus because Jesus was sent by the Father [Joh 14:16]. Women are to be known for service. Receiving Jesus is receiving God who sent Him. Before Jesus, receiving Moses, or any of the true prophets was receiving God [Joh 14:20].

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Wed, Apr 26, 23.

    John 11

    John wrote as if the reader already knows the life of Jesus. He expects the readers to know of the Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet [Joh 1:3]. John considered those among the rulers of Israel who played it safe by not confessing Jesus – despite their belief in him –...

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Wed, Apr 19, 23.

    John Overview

    When the apostles speaks of Jesus before His incarnation, they do not refer to Him as Jesus, but as the word [Joh 1:1], the Spiritual Rock [1Co 10:4] etc. This is because He was not Jesus (by name) before His incarnation.

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Wed, Apr 12, 23.

    Jesus, Man and Life

    Man was made to manage creation [Gen 2:5,15]. God loves man because man is made in His Image.

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Sun, Apr 09, 23.

    2 Cor 10

    We win spiritual battles using wisdom, not strength. Battles won by force, would have to be maintained by force. We wage war by taking the minds of people captive.

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    category: Year-2023   2-Corinthians  

    Sun, Apr 09, 23.

    John 3-5

    Jesus is called “the Word” by John in the first chapter, because He speaks the words of God [Joh 3:31-34]. Job asked His friends what spirit spoke through them [Job 26:4], which means that spirits speak through people. Since Jesus has the Spirit of God without measure [Joh 3:34], He...

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Wed, Apr 05, 23.

    John 3

    The birth Jesus speaks about is the birth of/by the Spirit [Joh 3:3-9]. In the words of Jesus to Nicodemus, there is no difference between seeing the kingdom and entering into it [Joh 3:3-8].

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Sun, Apr 02, 23.

    Chosen Men

    There are certain men heaven considers for a particular reason or purpose. Job is an example of man who was considered by heaven for something

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    category: Year-2023   John  

    Sun, Feb 26, 23.

    Job 13

    A Few Lessons from Job 13 To speak when there is nothing to say I foolishness and it is wisdom to keep silent when there is nothing to say [Job 13:5]. We are not meant to lie to defend God, for He will not praise us for doing so, but...

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    category: Year-2023   Job  

    Sun, Feb 12, 23.

    James Reading 02

    We are to rejoice and be patient in tribulation [Jas 1:2]. When patience has done its complete work, we will be perfect and want nothing [Jas 1:4].

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    category: Year-2023   Faith   James  

    Sun, Feb 05, 23.

    Elisha's Miracles Cont

    Elisha prophesied a seven-year famine over Israel [2Kgs 8:1-2]. This was Elisha’s 17th miracle. Elisha prophesied the recovery and death of Ben-Hadad and prophesied the evil that Hazael would do to the children of Israel, and that Hazael becoming king of Syria [2Kgs 8:9-13]. This was Elisha’s 18th miracle. Elisha...

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    category: Year-2023   Faith   2-Kings